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EVANSVILLE, IN (WFIE) - Senator Mike Braun was in Evansville on Thursday to speak at the Republican Party’s Lincoln Dinner. By WFIE Staff, EPD officials say surveillance video shows New pepper spraying the employee. Elite Air Trampoline Park is located on Healthy Way right off Green River Road. Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter begins hospice care at home Anchor David James today announ his retirement from Raycom Media’s NBC affiliate WFIE Evansville, Ind. (DMA 103). Her last day on the air at the station was October 26, 2022. Meanwhile, WFIE played a surprise video about her as a touching farewell, which brought tears to her eyes. Lyons is a weather forecaster who currently serves as a Chief Meteorologist for WFIE since December 1988. It is known that he often anchors the weathercasts for 14 News at 4, 5, 6, and 10. Citing his work, he earned his National Weather Association seal of approval in 1991. Read More Here.

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About author:
First Name, Last Name:Scott Caruso
Postal address:2709 Hurry Street, Roanoke, 24012, United States
Tropical zodiac:Scorpio
Company:Planet Pizza
Occupation:Home health aide
Friends: The Reunion is available to stream on HBO Max beginning on May 27, 2021. Given the rate at which new digital marketing technologies and software are developed, it can be overwhelming to learn through blog posts and ebooks alone.

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